
Jesse Ventura2015 2016 US Economic Collapse ALERT!

Jesse knows

The Helix Digest

Alex Jones Interviews Jesse Ventura on November 14th, 2014 on his thoughts about the economic collapse that is upon us.

P.S. You are literally the Illuminati’s slave if you put in time for money since they create money out of nothing. You have to have income coming in without you having to put time into it. That is how you acquire your freedom.

CLICK HERE to STOP being the Illuminati’s Slave

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Gold Coast Titans’ Greg Bird, Dave Taylor, Kalifa Faifai Loa stood down, facing court over allegedly arranging to supply cocaine

News corp. has it in for you, boys. Stealing water is a non crime but be accused of taking a pill at a private party, your guilty, tried by Media.

Aussie Criminals and Crooks

I’m sick to death of sport and drugs. How greedy are the players (all 3 codes will be caught up in this for sure) Patting young starry eyes kids on the head, signing autographs whilst on their mobiles trying to score coke and it seems whilst they have cocaine habits.

It is disgusting and ruining sports, who can our kids look up to these days. they are falling like ten pins for gross acts, greedy acts, illegal acts the list goes on. treating women like shit, taking drugs, gambling, getting so drunk they perform all kinds of things…God help sport in Oz.


Representative stars Greg Bird and Dave Taylor are among five Gold…

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Fracking & Coal Seam Gas Debate

Reminder it still spreads like wildfire across this vast land..

Pamea's Blog

Some references from Google.. I have not checked or edited..

  1. At the surface a simple separation operation divides the gas … works to ensure the prevention of new mines … as to what is being used for fracking in Queensland.

    www.sixdegrees.org.au/content/our-position-coal-seam-gas-csg – Cached

  2. The study recommended full disclosure of all products used, along with extensive air and water monitoring near natural gas operations; it also recommended that fracking‘s …
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_fracturing – Cached

    More results from en.wikipedia.org »

  3. The presence of coal seam gas in a coal mine was once regarded as a major hazard. … Coal seam gas in the Surat Basin of southern and central Queensland typically …

    www.qgc.com.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=305 – Cached

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Malcolm Turnbull’s dirty laundry of fraud & theft will destroy the Liberal Party if elected leader

Came back for more Cherries

Kangaroo Court of Australia

Malcolm Turnbull was the key decision maker when he gave a dodgy $10 million grant to his friends just before the 2007 election while he was still the Environment Minister in the Howard government. This puts Turnbull in the same club as the corrupt Eddie Obeid, Arthur Sinodinos and others.

Obeid is looking at jail time after being charged by the police and Sinodinos had to resign yet some people want to make Turnbull the Prime Minister.

This one point alone makes Mr Turnbull an easy target and the Labor Party will attack him on it as they have previously. I wrote about some of Malcolm Turnbull’s dodgy past in 2012 and covered the $10 million scam. It worth raising again as it has never been resolved, will be an issue again if Turnbull is elected PM and also given the current anti-corruption political environment. (Click here to read the 2012 article

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