bloody_minded, Empethy, enviroment, government, Local government

Need for cheaper housing | Institute of Public Affairs Australia

Strong political will needed for cheaper housing | Institute of Public Affairs Australia.

In my Mail Box:

From James Paterson | Thursday, 24 October 2013

Last week we told you about how free markets make everything better. So it’s only fair and balanced that we tell you the other side of the story too. Government regulation makes everything worse:

For a great explanation of why governments have made housing expensive, read this from our very own Dr Alan Moran.

Our very own Sinclair Davidson, also a professor at RMIT, was recognised on Monday for hismammoth contribution to public debate. Here are three of Sinclair’s best hits:

  • The time he exposed Treasury for using misleading graphs and data to justify stimulus spending during the global financial crisis
  • The time he exposed the Rudd and Gillard governments’ failed mining tax
  • And his demolition of the Rudd government’s mad FuelWatch scheme

What happens to Nobel prize winners in economics after they win? This fascinating study suggests they learn to love freedom more. (Maybe it’s the tax bill on their prize money that does it?)

And who knew tennis star Andre Agassi was a closet fan of the free market?

This excellent Spectator cover article by Matt Ridley on climate change demonstrates exactly why you should purchase your ticket to see him live at the IPA in Melbourne on Thursday, 14 November.

Meanwhile, this is a great article…in The Age…by an art critic and academic…on how terrible Canberra is and the folly of government planning. I wouldn’t believe me either.

Hate the Nanny State? Then you’ll love this completely free online 1 hour 45 minute documentaryfrom 2009, Fat Head, which exposes the flawed arguments of paternalists.

If you’re in Melbourne next Thursday don’t miss this important discussion of a new book from Connor Court, co-edited by the IPA’s Tim Wilson, Turning left or right.

Here’s what else the IPA said this week:

atmosphere, bloody_minded, climate_change, Cover-Ups & Corruption, Empethy, enviroment, Food_contanimants, government, unsolved

New study on whether seismic testing has damaged Bass Strait fishery

New study on whether seismic testing has damaged Bass Strait fishery.


Bass Strait fishermen blaming falling scallop yields on seismic testing, but the allegation is rejected by resources companies.(Charlie McKillop)

Scallop fishermen believe a new study will prove that seismic testing by oil and gas exploration companies in Bass Strait is responsible for the deaths of marine life.

The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies will carry out the research, which will concentrate on the effects of seismic activity on scallops and rock lobsters.

CEO of the Tasmanian Scallop Fishermen’s Association Bob Lister believes testing in 2010 killed around 24,000 tonnes of scallops, and the industry is still suffering with a poor scallop season this year in Bass Strait..

“Something like 200 tonnes of scallops has been harvested to date, but that’s a very small quantity given the very large area that we’re looking into,” he said.

“Again, we believe it’s the impact of seismic causing deaths to mature scallops, growing scallops and probably the larvae of scallops that have caused that season to be very poor.”


The Scallop Paddocks

The Australian scallop fishery is now a fraction of its former self, the industry is struggling with regulations and trying to stay ahead of a mysterious algal bloom.

Australian Legal System, City_Planning, climate_change, enviroment, Local government

Illegally built units in Emerald | CQ News & Some

Council seeks advice over illegally built units in Emerald | CQ News.

2013-04-04 13.23.42Not here, this is a 100+ home in Rockhampton from my files



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is not Emerald either, I had only read of the condemned new homes. People use this as a home, in Buff,  where you can see it on your right as you drive west through the town..

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABurning rubbish in my neighbourhood.  . regular occurence.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACaravans are still the norm around our town.

Photo0010 B.DumpOur local tip.. Usually worse than this 2008 photo.

Had some new homes around Blackwater, which are on my Phone Camera n it is not hooked up to internet at present.


My Radio won’t Work


2012-12-12 14.48.23Whilst chatting on Skype..  Pete goes because his radio won’t work while chatting… So I e-mailed the following..
Looking at tenancy ..
And of course, there’s lots more owner-occupiers than public housing tenants. By our count of the ABS data [that is, the Housing Occupancy rates and the correct households data from the Census], Australia’s 5.2 million owner-occupier households have between them not less than 8 million spare bedrooms.
As they (gov.)  were asking for private owners to be generous & take in STRANGERS OF DIFFERENT CULTURE  etc.. I put I had ONE BEDROOM  on my census.. the others are SEWING ROOM,  WALK IN WARDROBE,  etc  ALL AVAILABLE SPACE  can be guest room,  but even family can be hard to live with…. eh? 
search web for empty homes OZ  not forthcoming.. Also trying to send to wordpress*
tried posting to google +  now…

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