bigger than my bucketPicture from ‘Grow Gardens, not Lawns’  a FB page.

I don’t recommend blue barrels for drinking water as previous use may be Poison

”Useless eaters ”  said by one of the Elete  & This country is letting die,  making medical Asistance unavailable to many & More… Video made in Ameka  but can relate to OZ.

Lone parents will not be celebrating the New Year today as cuts to their benefits take effect and leave them up to $223 a fortnight worse off.

The Australian Council of Social Service and National Welfare Rights Network say reducing access to the parenting payment will have “the greatest impact on people trying to survive on low incomes”.

The measures, introduced by the Gillard government to claw back $728 million in budget savings over four years, will impact as many as 80,000 people from today.  1/01/2013

”National Welfare Rights Network vice president Kate Beaumont also said students will be hit by government changes to Austudy.”

This at a time when Ameka’s  tumble over the Cliff is affecting all who come in contact with Them..

The Gillard Government appears to improving the welfare of the Native Australian  but the money is coming from cut backs in other welfare repentant benefits.

Poisons What Poisons?

Artificial Sweeteners: More Sour Than You Ever Imagined
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Aspartame Free Report

  1. Aspartame



Eugenics is the study of methods to improve the human race by controlling reproduction. The word was coined in 1883 by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton believed that the proper evolution of the human race was thwarted by philanthropic outreach to the poor when such efforts encouraged them to bear more children. Charity upset the mechanism of natural selection. Hence, the human race needed a kind of artificial selection: eugenics. The word is from Greek for good birth. Galton wanted eugenics to develop from a science to a policy to a religion.”

Gun Control makes it easier to Cull the Population

budget, Empethy, government, power, War, water

Will Twenty Thirteen to be a Happy one for Australians

enviroment, government, Local government, Uncategorized, water

Growing older & left in your Urine & Poo

Common Practice In Age Care homes when you have incontinence & you will have incontinence with Staph infection.

‘’One of Australia’s highest profile hospitals has launched an investigation into claims an elderly woman was left in a corridor for six hours and told to urinate in her bed.

The New South Wales Health Minister has labelled the allegations “shocking” after revealed the case of the 89-year-old woman who was taken to St Vincent’s Hospital’s emergency department last week with a serious staph infection.’’

read more: hospital-probes-claims-elderly-woman-neglected

Baby Baby . .. Just what you have to look forward too.. >> Boat rocking baby

Wanted Bob Marley but here is a medley from the man..

Coal_seam_Gas, enviroment, Export Energy, power, United Kingdom & Europe, unsolved, water

Australian coal exported from Central Qld

Tuesday, 26 June 2012   North Sea Gas Leak On March 25, 2012, crewmembers on the French oil company Total’s Elgin drilling platform noticed that something was amiss. One of the wells at the site had been plugged in 2011, but for unknown reasons natural gas had begun to spew out of the wellhead. Soon, about 200,000 cubic meters (7 million cubic feet) of gas was escaping into the North Sea, about 150 miles off the coast of Aberdeen, Scotland, on a daily basis.1 The platform was quickly enveloped in a cloud of natural gas, causing the 300-plus workers aboard the platform to evacuate, and additional nearby platforms to evacuate or temporarily shut down operations.2 According to a Total spokesperson, the six-mile sheen of oil in the ocean surrounding the platform “will evaporate,” and is not believed to be “a major threat to the environment.”3As the company begins to get the leak under control, environmentalists are keeping a close watch on the North Sea ecosystems to monitor any possible environmental consequences of the spill.


What Happened?
Although the cause of the Total gas leak has not yet been discovered, it is believed that natural gas entered the casing of a plugged well from another, non-producing reservoir four kilometers underground. Natural gas then travelled up the well pipe to the surface, where it began to leak out.
The most immediate concern following the discovery of the leak was to evacuate the platform and any surrounding operations. The gas plume surrounding the platform was a serious danger. Officials were worried that if the flammable plume found a source of ignition, there would be an explosion and fire. A shipping exclusion zone was instituted two miles around the platform, and three miles around for aircraft. A flare burning 75 feet above the platform made it unapproachable until the flare finally extinguished itself about a week after the leak was initially discovered.5


With the flare out, Total was able to send in a few crewmembers to assess the situation. The company began two separate remediation operations. A “top fill,” or “mud kill” operation was initiated to plug the leak by pumping in mud.7 As a fail-safe, Total began to drill two relief wells, which are extremely expensive to construct and take up to six months to drill. Relief wells are drilled to intersect an oil or gas well that has experienced a blowout. Specialized liquid, such as dense drilling mud and cement, can then be pumped down the relief well in order to stop the flow from the reservoir in the damaged well.8
By mid-April the gas company’s methods successfully cut the amount of gas streaming from below the platform by two thirds.9As the construction of the relief wells continues, Total should be able to stop the flow of gas completely. At that time the company will determine whether or not to reopen operations at the Elgin site, or to abandon the platform completely.


Environmental Implications
BP’s Deepwater Horizon exploded on April 20, 2010,11 triggering the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history in the Gulf of New Mexico. Because the Gulf spill is so fresh in everyone’s collective memory, comparisons between the two spills are inevitable.12 However, the representatives from Total are trying to reassure the public that the comparison is unwarranted. The biggest difference between the two events is that the Elgin leak is occurring at the surface, and involves only natural gas (there is no crude oil). “Natural gas typically dissolves in sea water or evaporates at the surface, meaning there isn’t much to clean up as in the case of an oil spill.”13 In addition, the Elgin field is in much shallower seas… [w]ater depth is just 93 meters, compared with more than 1,500 meters for Macondo, making it considerably easier to access the well head at the sea bed.”14 As one professor put it, the Elgin leak is “more of a very dangerous situation rather than a disaster so they may be able to get it back under control with minimal losses.”15
Scottish authorities completed a series of chemical and taste tests on fish in the North Sea near the leaking platforms which yielded no signs of hydrocarbon contamination. The Scottish Environment Secretary thus concluded that the leak had not directly contaminated the marine environment.16 The environmental organization, Greenpeace, has not been as convinced that the gas leak will not cause any negative environmental impacts. In early April, Greenpeace sent a vessel to the North Sea to observe the damage for themselves. “We are here because oil companies often withhold information on accidents,” said Christian Bussau, chief scientist and ocean expert at Greenpeace. “We want to get our own picture of the environmental damage from the scene.” Greenpeace will have to wait until their ship returns to dock in Germany before analyzing any water samples.17 In addition to immediate impacts, John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace, reminds us that, “[a]ccording to Total, if the leak continues at its current flow for six months it will amount to nearly 800,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, adding to the burden of greenhouse gases already going into the atmosphere.”18
Looking Forward
Even if the environmental damage caused by the Total natural gas leak is negligible, this event is an important reminder of our dependence on fossil fuels and the dangers that this dependence constantly poses. Britain could be facing as much as a 6 percent cut to gas supplies this summer due to the closure of the Elgin and two neighboring gas fields, National Grid said on Tuesday.19 Perhaps this is a good time to make the best of a bad situation by accelerating the transition to renewable resources .

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bloody_minded, climate_change, Coal_seam_Gas, enviroment, water

Investigating Indian mining giant Adani

According to Mining Australia

Regulators are investigating Indian mining giant Adani over conflicting claims it’s cheating the migration system and seeking permanent residency for foreign workers.

Reports by The Australian claim an internal company review by Ernst & Young found none of Adani’s foreign workers were properly registered or accredited to work as engineers in Queensland.

It also claimed most foreign workers had been wrongly imported on short-stay 456 visas, which allow people to visit for meetings but ban most types of work  Adani Coal under Investigation 

I had done some investigation on Adani myself and found it was not so squeaky clean  in its operations back in India,  let alone here in Queensland..

City_Planning, climate_change, enviroment, Rivers, water

Why do the Feds Have Control of Water, free from Heavens Above

Updated April 20, 2012, 2:25 pm

A parliamentary inquiry has heard a $328 million federal grant for
Adelaide’s desalination plant will largely be clawed back by
reductions in South Australia’s GST payments.

Under-treasurer Brett Rowse has told the inquiry the method used to
calculate GST means the payment will have a net budget benefit of only
$26 million.

Opposition finance spokesman Rob Lucas says the payment was good
public relations for the Federal Government, but the actual benefit
for SA water users appears minimal.

“What’ve seen today is that water ratepayers in SA will be the ones
paying through a tripling of water prices [for] the total cost of the
desal plant,” he said.

“The Commonwealth grant is very, very small, or next to useless.”

SA Water has been in dispute with AdelaideAqua over penalties imposed
because of delays during construction of the desalination plant.

The SA Government has not revealed the sum proposed as penalties but
the Opposition says it could amount to $50 million.” end quote

=-LOOKING FURTHER Perhaps they should change their water use habits,
seeing the rainfall has not been as generous as here in the eastern &
northern states..

The report, by Dr Jennifer Marohasy, says the Lower Lakes are a
naturally estuarine environment and so do not need as much freshwater
to be maintained.…

Last I heard Ms Marohasy had married and was living at Yeppoon – part
of the Rockhampton Regional Shire, Queensland. Perhaps her report is
a few year old, or she works from home??
Or commutes up and down the Murray on a good Floater Fund..
Even MEDIA WATCH .. is asking
Her reply –
I had been a great follower & believer of Ms Marohasy’s written word,
and am quiet disappointed
in what is going down .. both sides & why she gets ‘her partner’
involved in her ‘Blue’ or Squabble with the Media??

An example of his work can be seen & downloaded at:
This web site is not only for Qld planning, covers many aspects
and all of Australia, just takes time to research the researcher
& planners of this country. No doubt they don’t have the
final say, but the do the planning.. the ground work.

I have provided many references, but have really not addressed my
title question.
Letting others do the searching..FARM ON LINE how-much-water-does-the-murray-actually-need

Further Reading:

The Australian research outlines the amazing twists and turns of the Met Office’s ‘concerted efforts’ to prevent disclosure of information relating to the workings of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
